I tried out the game, and tried my best to survive. But I died many times, and I am kind of annoyed.
2. What did you learn about how to play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?
I have to collect as much as resources as possible, and first I need to build a water filter and a grill. A tip is to build as many tools as possible, and extend the raft as you can. Then place stuff in the middle of the raft, so that even if a shark is attacking, you are not going to lose anything parts.
3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?
Focus on building the raft and create as much tools as possible. Also build the tool for stabbing the shark as well.
4. Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) Explain what you have done to your raft and WHY.
I have extended my raft a lot, and have a grill and water filter to survive. Because that is the two most important tool to survive.