Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Game Journalism Play 3

1. What NEW things did you build today? [IMAGE]
The research table

2. How will these NEW things help you play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?
 The research table helps to discover lots of new tools that helps survive. Tips: Build the research table in the middle of the raft so that even if a shark attacks, you won't lost your research table.
3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?
 To discover more tools, collect materials and build them.
4. Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) 
Explain why you built the raft the way you did.

I build my craft this way because things are more secured. As if a shark attacks, it might damage the surrounding of the raft, so if things were build in the middle then the larger possibility it will not be damages.

Exit Interview

Exit Interview 1. Comment about your work ethic in this course.    I have tried my best in this course on doing all the works, and I alw...